Fun and Effective: Teaching Vocabulary through Guessing Games

4 Oct 2023 | ESLteachers

The Power of Vocabulary Guessing Games

Games can be a powerful tool to make vocabulary acquisition enjoyable and memorable. Riddles engage students’ critical thinking skills while expanding their listening and vocabulary skills. Through recall, students will remember the vocabulary better. Games also motivate students to learn through play so learning doesn’t become a chore.

Here are some examples of how you can incorporate riddles into your vocabulary lessons:

1. Guess the Body Part:

  • Describe a body part using simple language. For example, “I’m a part of your face. I help you see.”
  • Encourage students to guess the body part, fostering vocabulary acquisition and understanding of anatomy terms.

Here’s a ready-made video you can use:

2. Guess the Animal:

  • Describe an animal’s characteristics and habitat. For instance, “I’m a furry animal that lives in the jungle. I love to climb trees.”
  • Challenge students to guess the animal’s name, facilitating exploration of different creatures and their habitats.

Here’s a ready-made video you can use:

3. Guess the Food:

  • Describe a type of food, emphasizing its taste, ingredients, and how it’s prepared. For example, “I’m a yellow fruit that is sweet and can be sliced into rings.”
  • Have students guess the food item, expanding their culinary vocabulary.

Here’s a ready-made video you can use:

Whether you are a parent looking to prepare your child for the Cambridge YLE starters exam or ESL teachers looking for classroom resources, try to use guessing games to entice your child to learn!